Keep spreading positivity and kindness. The world needs your light and your actions can brighten someone else’s day.

Keep spreading positivity and kindness. The world needs your light and your actions can brighten someone else’s day.

     The Decalogue of Santa Giusta Beach: a new set of rules for protection


Santa Giusta Beach has introduced a set of rules known as the "Decalogue" to protect its coastline. These rules apply to the beaches of Sasso, Abarossa, Porto and Buca Fluminini, and the mayor, Andrea Cassu, decided to put them in writing. The rules, which are valid until October 31, prohibit the erection of tents, pavilions or similar structures on the beach. It is also prohibited to camp in caravans or spend the night in other vehicles. In addition, it is prohibited to fish from the shore with any equipment from dawn to dusk.

The mayor also prohibits the movement of any type of vehicle on the beach, except only those involved in beach cleaning and rescue operations. The document stipulates that it is not allowed to leave umbrellas and chairs, which are usually used to reserve places, on the beach. It is strictly forbidden to litter any kind of garbage, including cigarette butts. It is also forbidden to trample the dunes and vegetation near the beach.

The rules go further: the mayor prohibits the use of soap and shampoo for washing before going home. Another provision prohibits the use of all non-biodegradable single-use plastic materials for consumption. Dogs are only allowed in designated areas indicated by signs. These rules have been communicated to the local police force.

Seawater Lamps: A Key Advantage of Off-Grid Living
Sustainable Energy: Seawater lamps do not require batteries or electricity to operate. They use basic materials to emit light, ensuring the light source is continuous and sustainable.
Emergency Preparedness: Seawater lamps can provide critical lighting in the event of a power outage or natural disaster.
Cost-Effective: These lamps have extremely low running costs, making them an affordable option that can ease the financial burden of off-grid households.
Environmental Impact: Seawater lamps utilize natural materials, are environmentally friendly and help reduce carbon footprint.
Easy to Use: Simply add salt and water to the lamp to emit light, making it very user-friendly.


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